Netwas Tanzania

Network for water and Sanitation Tanzania Limited (Netwas Tanzania) was established in Tanzania as a
limited by guarantee not having any share capital. Netwas Tanzania is
an autonomous organization affiliated to Netwas International, a member
of ITN Africa Network. ITN is actively involved in capacity building in
the water and sanitation sector in Africa. Netwas Tanzania is located at
University Road, ESAURP Building, First floor in the City of Dar es
The Vision
is guided by a ‘Shared Vision’. The Shared Vision addresses the key
area of capacity building supporting the development of a sustainable
and healthy environment for the peoples of Africa.
Shared Vision
be a resource center of excellence for capacity building in water and
sanitation, water resources and environmentally sound and sustainable
development and management in Tanzania and Africa.
Mission Statement reflects the aspirations of its staff, Membership and
clients in the new millennium. Netwas Tanzania Mission Statement
comprises of four underlying principles:
- Its commitment to sector development in Africa.
- The quality of the products and services provided.
- The nature of the organization, and the mode/methodology of provision of products and services
Mission Statement
is committed to improving the living conditions of the people in
Africa particularly the poor, through networking, information
dissemination, training, applied research and community development in
water and sanitation, using innovative, participatory and gender
sensitive approaches.
is a learning and training organization, whose diverse range of
expertise in social, health, engineering, management and information
fields is blend together for professional service delivery, in
collaboration with regional and international sector institutions.
Tanzania specializes in offering a range of services in the Water and
Environmental Sanitation sector, which aims at enhancing sustainable
services. These include:
- Training.
- Consultancy services.
- Networking and information dissemination.
- Applied research
- Advisory services.
In training, Netwas Tanzania offers scheduled and tailor made courses. The scheduled courses include:
- Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.
- Solid Waste Management in Urban Centres
- Entrepreneurial Management in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.
- Community Management and Involvement in Water & Sanitation.
- Water and Sanitation Project Management and Sustainability.
- Gender and Income generation in water and Sanitation.
- Water and Sanitation in disaster situations
The same courses can be tailored to respond to the needs of the client.
consultancy services, Netwas Tanzania is registered by Engineers
Registration Board of Tanzania as Local Engineering Consulting Firm in
Civil, Water and Sanitation sectors. The company offers consultancy
services specialized in Project/Programme Appraisal, Feasibility
Studies, Detail Design and Preparation of Tender Documents, Construction
Supervision, Evaluation and Project/Programme Management.
Contact Address:
Network for Water and Sanitation (Netwas Tanzania)
University Road
ESAURP Building, First Floor
P.O. Box 54068,
Tel: +255(0)22-2771614
Fax: +255(0)22 2771614
Mobile: +255 -(0) 7744-282859
E-mail: OR
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