The program is of four year duration, and leads tothe
BSc. Degree in Municipal and Industrial Services Engineering. The program is structured on a semester system, and there is a total of eight semesters. The curriculum is project oriented with emphasis on learning by doing (PRACTICAL). During each semester 15 weeks are allocated for the theoretical learning and in-term fieldwork, while 5 weeks are allocated for Industrial Training.
BSc. Degree in Municipal and Industrial Services Engineering. The program is structured on a semester system, and there is a total of eight semesters. The curriculum is project oriented with emphasis on learning by doing (PRACTICAL). During each semester 15 weeks are allocated for the theoretical learning and in-term fieldwork, while 5 weeks are allocated for Industrial Training.
Mode of Teaching
Department conducts its teaching activities through the following
methods with emphasis on the project oriented teaching approach:-
(i) Theory
(ii) Practical work
(iii) Project work
(iv) Workshop training
(v) Industrial/ Practical Training
(i). Theory:
Theoretical teaching is carried out through:
· Lectures in which the lecturer imparts knowledge to the students for a period of two
to three hours per class session depending on the weight of the subject.
· Conducting tutorials whereby participation of students is mandatory.
· Seminars involving discussions based on papers or other materials presented by lecturers
or students.
(ii). Practical work:
Practical work is implemented through:
· Conducting experiments in the laboratory as part of laboratory exercises; and
· Field work, including site visits followed by the engineering design work. The final
product of the design work constitutes a written report and engineering design drawings
as well as pertinent specifications.
(iii). Project work:
purpose of the project work is to enable students integrate theory into
practice. Project work culminates in semester projects. The projects
carried out are those based on the existing environmental problems, and
in this respect, the projects are done in groups under a close
supervision/guidance from the lecturers. Despite working in groups, the
individual understanding and contribution of every student to the final
project write-up is assessed during oral presentations. Additionally,
each student is required to produce a written report on each field/study
visit undertaken under the auspices of the fieldwork.
(iv). Workshop training
intention of this course is to enable students to acquire basic
workshop skills. The aspects covered in this course include building,
electrical, electronics, environmental engineering and plumbing
workshop. The students are guided by workshop instructors in pursuing
this course. This course is conducted in workshops specially equipped
for the envisaged workshop training.
(v). Industrial training
Training (IT) provides students with an excellent opportunity for
witnessing and taking part in real life implementation of theories
taught in class. Municipal and Industrial Services Engineering students
take part in all works related to typical Environmental Engineering,
Civil Engineering infrastructure, Sanitation, Industrial services and
other Engineering fields related to health. Additionally, the students
take part in laboratory activities pertaining to the above mentioned
fields. During the IT, students work under close supervision of
professional training officers at their respective IT places. To
complement the supervision provided by the professional training
officers, the students are visited by an academic supervisor from the
University at least once. To ensure adequate coverage of the IT in terms
of both depth and breadth of the training, the students are given
exposure to a wide variety of activities pertaining to the engineering
semester has a main theme and the subjects taught are related to that
theme. In each semester except the eighth semester, students are
required to do a project related to the theme. In the first three
semesters, more time is devoted to theory, but as students proceed to
succeeding semesters, the amount of time devoted to Fieldwork increases
accordingly. The eighth semester is totally devoted to the final year
There are four themes which have at most 9 particular courses as listed below:-
1. Environmental Management and Technology
1. Basic and Ecological sanitation
2. RS and GIS Applications in MISE
3. Renewable Energy and alternative energy
4. Solid and Hazard waste Management and Technology
5. Natural waste management technologies
6. Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control
7. Environmental Impact Studies
8. Disaster Risk Science and Management
9. Project VI
2. Mine Services Engineering
1. Fundamentals of Mining and Mineral processing
2. Acid Mine Drainage
3. Mining and Mineral Processing Waste Management
4. Investigation, Risk Assessment and Management of Chemicals in Geo-Environment
3. Industrial Services Engineering
1. Industrial Utility and Safety services Engineering
2. Industrial Ecology
3. Municipal and Industrial Recreational and Aesthetic Services
4. Occupational Health and Safety
5. Fundamentals of Industrial operations and processes
6. Operation Maintenance of Municipal and Industrial Infrastructure
7. Project V
8. Industrial Wastewater Treatment
9. Project VII
4. Industrial Training/Dissertation
1. Industrial Training I
2. Industrial Training II
3. Industrial Training III
4. Dissertation
Year I
Semester 1. Theme: General Engineering and service courses
2. General Engineering and Industrial Service Engineering
Year II
Semester 1. Theme: Environmental management and Water Resources Engineering
2. Municipal and Industrial Services Engineering
Year III
Semester 1. Theme: Mine and Industrial Services Engineering
2. Environmental Management and Technology
Year IV
Semester 1. Theme: Environmental Management and Industrial Services Engineering
2. Dissertation.
First year
Courses Title
i. Engineering Mathematics I
ii. Basic Chemistry
iii. Project I
iv. Engineering Drawing I
v. Introduction to Computers and ICT
vi. Development Perspectives I
vii. English Language 1
viii. Communication Skills I
ix. Workshop Training
i. Engineering Mechanics I
ii. Engineering Drawing II
iii. Development Perspectives II
iv. Basic and ecological sanitation
v. Fundamentals of Industrial operations and processes
vi. Fundamentals of Mining and Mineral processing
vii. Construction Materials and Technology
viii. Communication Skills II
ix. Project II
x. Industrial Training I
Second year
Courses Title
i. Engineering Mathematics II
ii. Fluid Mechanics I
iii. Building Services Engineering.
iv. Engineering Mechanics II
v. Water Resources and Transportation Engineering
vi. Hydrology
vii. Introduction to Land Surveying
viii. Research Methodology
ix. Project III
i. Municipal and Industrial Recreational and Aesthetic Services
ii. Fluid Mechanics II
iii. Sewerage and Drainage Engineering
iv. Foundation Engineering
v. Industrial Utility and Safety services Engineering
vi. Project IV
vii. Land Surveying II
viii. Industrial Training II
Third year
Courses Title
i. Structures
ii. Hydraulic structures
iii. Industrial Ecology
iv. Mining and Mineral Processing Waste Management
v. Occupational Health and Safety
vi. Acid Mine Drainage
vii. Project V(Occupational Health and Safety)
i. RS & GIS Application in MISE
ii. Operation and Maintenance of Municipal and Industrial Infrastructure
iii. Renewable Energy and alternative energy
iv. Solid and Hazardous Waste Management and Technology
v. Natural waste management technologies
vi. Project VI(Natural Waste Management Technology)
vii. Industrial Training III
Forth year
Courses Title
i. Industrial Waste water Treatment
ii. Waste water Treatment Technology
iii. Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control
iv. Environmental Impact Studies
v. Disaster Risk Science and Management
vi. Investigation, Risk Assessment and
vii. Management of Chemicals in Geo-Environment
viii. Project VII
i. Dissertation
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